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Dilium has taken part to Agos4Hack with Augmented Reality
The hackaton promoted by Agos to improve the shopping experience and interaction of its customers.

Agos4Hack, the hackaton promoted by Agos, a leading financial company in the credit sector, took place from 28 to 29 October. In this edition attention was on Augmented Reality and how to use this technology to support the customer during its customer journey.
In less than 24 hours, the dilium team developed 2 proposals. The first is a native iOS APP that uses Apple's ARKit framework for the recognition of a 3D model to which associate calls to actions dedicated to purchase via APP through the balance present in the AgosPay, or through financial solutions such as repayment of installments or loan application.
By framing the object of purchase with the camera function present in the APP, all information related to the cost of the product and the financial solutions with appear on the screen of your smartphone. Just click on the desired option to find out its details and make a more informed choice.
The second proposal aims to simplify the user's life in front of communications and printed information material, such as the brochure about the benefits of an AgosPay card. Like the recognition of a 3D object, it will be sufficient to frame a promotional flyer with calls to actions previously associated to an image.
On your smartphone you can view a video illustrating how the card works, a link to reach the website with a click, a pdf to download with all the details of the offer or an icon to contact Agos customer service via email or call.