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Dilium and Biomax working together for a new innovative project
The startup has entered into a new partnership with Biomax, a cutting-edge company operating in the dental sector.

For over 30 years Biomax has been one of the main distribution companies of products with high technological and biological value for dental implantology. The Venetian company choose dilium for the development of a Content Management System and an Augmented Reality App that helps dentists to easily manage the 3D models of the teeth of their patients, who in turn can try immediately the new smile thanks to Augmented Reality technology.
The new project will be presented during the 23rd International Congress of Implant Therapy in Verona which will take place from 21 to 23 October at the Palazzo della Gran Guardia in Piazza Brà, 1 (VR). Dilium will be present together with Biomax to preview the patented invention that aims to meet the needs of patients in an era where digital is changing many medical practices. The project, which started four years ago, has finally seen the light.
Users can have immediate feedback on the necessary implant surgery interventions, without having to rely on computer simulations that are not always clear to follow or 3D printed items for dental arches or templates for aligners that take longer to generate. The focus of the Congress is in fact to investigate the new ways of interacting with the patient, the tools for analyzing needs, the therapeutic potential and the protocol innovations available today to optimize treatments.